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Book of Galatians      Life of Paul    Life of Elijah

Samples of Serendipity House studies on various topics

Study Library Resources

Grace Point has accumulated some studies as groups purchase and donate them, so they are available on a first come, first serve basis to use.  Some are book/paper based while others utilize DVD/VHS content as a basis for the lessons.  The list changes on a monthly basis so check back often to see what's available!

DVD/VHS Based Curriculum:

1. Beth Moore Studies - To Live As Christ, Jesus the One & Only,

2. Chuck Colson - How Now Shall We Live?

3. Love & Respect (Marriage Study)

4. Grace Based Parenting

5.  Tommy Nelson - Song of Solomon

6. Charles Stanely - Spiritual Discernment

7. Philip Yancey - the Jesus I Never Knew

8. John Ortberg - The Life You've Always Wanted

9. Patrick Morley - the Man in the Mirror

10. Chip Ingram - Sex, Love & Relationships

11. Experiencing God (2007 Edition) DVD

12. Rob Bell's NOOMA Series (24 Stand-alone DVDs + discussion guides)

13. Life Rules (Andy Stanley)

14. ReGroup (Bill Donahue)

Book-Based Curriculum:

1. Uncommon Sense - study of Proverbs

2. 30 Discipleship Exercises: pathway to Christian Maturity (Billy Graham)

3. Christians in a Postmodern World

4. Redeeming Our Regrets: lives of Hagar and Sarah

5. Redeeming the Tears: journey of grief and loss

6. Co-Authoring Your Child's Story: parenting on purpose

7. Soul Revolution (John Burke)

8. Don't Waste Your Life (John Piper)