GPC Group Central


Grace Point Church Leadership & Discipleship Forum

Main Grace Point website

Christianity Today sponsored free bible study samples

Deep Bible Studies by the Navigators

The Small Group Exchange - site with resources, downloadable articles and  a catalog of innovative studies (including DVD-based)

An online diagnostic tool for gauging spiritual growth needs for you as a leader, your group as a whole as well as individuals - through a lens of "upward, inward, outward, forward"

Article for leaders about 10 key principles on effective small groups

Audio and Paper-studies on key aspects of Group Leadership, as well as some self-guided studies on the discipline of preparing good lessons/studies

Video Training Module (9 minutes) about setting a culture of "next steps and spiritual growth" within your group

Soul Revolution where the book by John Burke is brought into a full community experience, complete with small group study materials, individual projects, a blog and additional resources